Design YOUR KARADA to Reform, Transform, and Perform of one own only life
KARADA means…
It is not just about…. the physical, it’s a word unique to Japanese that combines the vital element of Life, the psychological element of Mental, the cognitive element, the spiritual element, the living-style element, Financial element, and the social element, yes, it includes EVERYTHING…Your body is the source and foundation of everything. It is the most important gift you have.
Consulting KARADA
Consulting KARADA is about…“You set it yourself,” you want to success, you want to achieve, you want to try, it can be the biggest dream to a trivial thing in life…all need is your purpose and goal for a life success. To achieve, you FIRST work on your KARADA, which is the foundation of everything. Imagine what you want to do with that KARADA, make plan, and then action, and achieve will be await. Beyond that, you will have all the imagination you draw.
About Wellness Tourism
What we can offer is…
About Taizo KASUYA
KARADA consultant, former pro soccer player, olympic trainer, 50+ gold medalist, phd science, 23million people, and….